

LC-qTOF (Elute-Impact II, Bruker Daltonics)
GC-MS/MS (Scion 456-TQ, Bruker Daltonics)
GC-MS/MS (EVOQspeed), Bruker Daltonics)
Real-Time PCR (QuantStudio 5, Thermo)
Microplate multireader (Infinite 200, Tecan)
TOC Analyzer (Shimadzu)
HPLC-DAD-FD (Ultimate 3000, Dionex)
UV-VIs Diode Array (Specord, AnalytikJena)

Other lab equipment

Autotrace 280 automated SPE (Thermo)
PAL-RSI SPME Autosamplers (CTC)
Closed-Loop Stripping Analysis (CLSA 9000, Brehbuhler)
UV-Vis photoreactors (various configs)
Ozone generator (Triogen O3 Lab2B)
Microelectronics lab (Arduino-based)

Computational MS

Gaming room (3 OMEN-HP desktops)
Vendor software: Hystar, DataAnalysis, TASQ, Metaboscape, MS Workstation (Bruker Daltonics)
Open source/access platforms: MZmine, GNPS, SIRIUS, Cytoscape, FBMN etc.
Members of VMOL


Aquatic metabolomics

We are very much interested in natural toxins and bioactive metabolites of cyanobacteria and algae in freshwater ecosystems (lakes etc) and in drinking water supplies. We mostly work with untargeted and targeted workflows using high-resolution mass spectrometry (LC-qTOF) and computational tools for structural elucidation of known and new metabolites. In addition, we apply immunoassays (ELISA), bioassays as well as qPCR to detect the biosynthetic genes of some toxin groups. The laboratory is accredited (ISO17025) for quantitative analysis of a range of cyanobacterial bioactive peptides (microcystins, anabaenopeptins). See for example some recent papers on new cyanopeptolins and their anticancer properties (collab. with the Univ. of Gdansk), on the effects on hydrogen peroxide on cyanobacteria-dominated lakes (with Univ. of Amsterdam). In this area, we have participated in National and EU projects and we have coordinated the CYANOCOST Network (COST Action).

Volatilomics and Sensomics

Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) in water can be of anthropogenic (e.g. pollution) or natural origin (metabolites of aquatic organisms), or  produced during water treatment (disinfection byproducts). We apply targeted and untargeted GC-MS based workflows to detect and quantify VOCs in water supplies. We are especially interested in natural odorous compounds which can negatively affect consumers' acceptability of drinking water. We organize and train sensory panels and we have capabilities in GC-Olfactometry. The lab is accredited (ISO17025) for THM, a range of VOCs and geosmin/MIB with SPME-GC-MS(/MS) methods. Check our recent paper on Arthrospira (Spirulina) volatilome.
If you are interested in water taste & odor (T&O) compounds, check the WaterTOP network (COST Action) we coordinated and the Perspectives paper in Chemical Engineering Journal Advances.

Advanced water treatment

Advanced Oxidation/Reduction Processes (AOP/ARP), involve the generation or reactive species (e.g. hydroxyl radicals, aqueous electrons, hydrogen radicals), which attack organic pollutants in water. We study the reaction pathways using various techniques to generate the reactive species of interest, such as UV/Hydrogen Peroxide, and  gamma irradiation (radiolysis). We characterize the transformation products using LC-qTOF and GC-MS. We are currently interested in the effects of reactive species on real-like water including natural organic matter (NOM) and mixtures of organic pollutants. See for example the paper in CEJA, on the reaction pathways of geosmin and MIB by oxidative/reductive species (picture on the left). Also, our book

"Water Treatment for Purification from Cyanobacteria and Cyanotoxins" and a recent Special Issue on HABs.

Benthic cyanobacteria mats

Toxic cyanobacteria are considered one of the major threats for water supplies. Especially Benthic Cyanobacteria Mats (BCM) can produce a large number of toxic, bioactive and nuisance compounds, and they are more difficult to control. These are mixed communities with spatio-temporal variation in composition and in production of metabolites. This is an exciting field to apply multiomics techniques including metagenomics and mass spectrometry based metabolomics. We are members of the US EPA Benthic HABs Discussion Group, check their resources and webinars if you are interested in this area.

Emerging pollutants in water

We develop, validate and apply analytical methods to assess the presence of emerging pollutants (synthetic and natural) and their transformation products in water. We use untargeted, targeted and suspect screening, based on databases, lists of pollutants and spectral libraries. We cover a wide range of pollutants such as biocides (pesticides, insecticides etc), industrial chemicals, disinfection byproducts (e.g., THM), PAHs, odorous compounds and natural toxins. The final goal is to assess the associated risks in the frame of Water Safety Plans which are mandated by the EU Drinking Water Directive

Quality assurance and laboratory accreditation

We develop, validate and apply in-house and standard methods of analysis of organic pollutants in water. The laboratory implements a Quality System which fulfills the requirements of ISO 17025 and is accredited by ESYD. We are continuously expanding the scope of accreditation, to include new methods and analytes. Alina is the Quality Manager of the Water Quality Control Department labs of EYDAP SA.